My husband is cheating on me. I know this for certain. He’s doing all the things a cheating spouse would do. He has taken off his location tracker, he has been ignoring me, staying out late with “work” buddies, has all the excuses for everything. I know what this is.
I don’t know with who. But I know he is. I talked to my mom about this and she mentioned how my sister has been doing the same thing. I have two sisters, one is married and has kids (Rae), and the other is in her freshman year of college and still lives at home (Emma). Mom says Emma has been doing all the same stuff that my husband has been, and doing it at around the same time. Emma and my husband have always gotten along but now that I look back it almost seems like they get along too well.
My husband and I are expecting our first. It’s been a good marriage until a few months ago when things started to get rocky. Then this. I confronted my sister this morning and she denied everything and called me an insecure bitch but even insenuating it. I told her mom told me and now my mom is upset because I threw her under the bus. Rae doesn’t want any part of this mess.
Am I the asshole?
Update: it’s now really late where we live. My husband has not come home. He has not answered his phone. I texted him multiple times and I know he has read the messages. But he won’t answer his phone. I was going to talk to him about this when he got back but he’s not back yet. I don’t know if he’s coming back.
As I said in a previous comment I am 37 weeks pregnant. I have preeclampsia. My BP is skyrocketing. I’m trying to calm down.
To everyone who said to get a PI, I have been on unpaid FMLA for the last month because of my BP complications. I have no money for anything other than this child. All of my savings are going towards my kids future and if there are further complications/medical bills. A PI is not in my budget. To the people who are telling me that I jumped to conclusions but also are telling me to get a divorce in the same breath, isn’t a divorce also jumping to conclusions? Divorce is not in the budget rn either. I know how much lawyers cost.