My (20f) boyfriend (21m) had a roommate, Jay (34m). Jay moved out of state in October.
Jay has 2 dogs and a cat, Hex. When I would come over, it was clear Jay was not properly taking care of his pets, especially his cat. Litter was never attended to, food bowls never filled, and I noticed he never played with him. As I came around more, I started taking more care of his cat than he was because I figured he was just busy from work, so I thought I’d help out. Me and Hex have bonded because of this.
Now, when Jay moved out in October, I decided to move into the house with my boyfriend, who also has a cat who Hex is close with. I figured Jay would take his cat along with his 2 dogs. I was sad i wouldn’t see Hex anymore, but i didn’t really think much else of it. Until my boyfriend told me he was only taking his dogs and is going to leave Hex here and didn’t give much of a reason as to why. He mentioned “couldn’t fit in his car” when i pushed for a reason. My boyfriend said his roommate would come back for a visit in July and take Hex back with him then. I got upset and said that isn’t fair to the cat and to me and my boyfriend because we’d be the ones loving, feeding, investing time, money and emotion into this cat just for him to get ripped away from us in 9 months by a guy who is just frankly not as good a cat owner as we are. So I told Jay, “Either take the cat with you now, or you’re not getting him back.” He never answered me, and when he moved out and I moved in, I saw Hex there, so I thought he made his choice.
Fast forward to now, I am taking care of 2 fur babies I love and call my own. They are both the sweetest cats and are much happier and more playful now that they are in the proper hands.
The problem is now, my boyfriend was on the phone with Jay talking about him picking up the rest of his stuff and Jay said he is still coming in July for his things which also meant the cat. I said no, the cat is mine now as I’ve been the one caring for him. He’s used to our household now, and the roommate is not getting him back. We argued, me saying you should have taken him with you months ago, you abandoned him, so he’s my cat now, and Jay ended the phone call with you can not keep my cat. It’s illegal, and I’m getting him back in July, and you can’t stop me.
So am I the asshole?? Is it illegal for me to keep someone’s cat? Is it legal for him to take him away from me?? How can I stop him and keep this cat in a loving, safe home??