ok so i (19F) live in a quiet neighborhood with my little dog, he’s a 6 y/o terrier mix and literally the sweetest, most harmless dog ever. my neighbor has this huge golden retriever that they’re obsessed with, always going on about how he’s a “gentle giant” and “wouldn’t hurt a fly.” well. tell me why last month their “angel” nearly murdered my dog.
i was just walking my dog (ON A LEASH, like a responsible human) past their house when their off-leash dog SPRINTS out their front door (cuz they just left it wide open like absolute idiots) and full on ATTACKS my dog. this thing grabbed my dog by the neck and started shaking him like a chew toy. my dog was SCREAMING. i was SCREAMING. i literally had to PRY this beast off my dog while my neighbor just strolled over like it was some minor inconvenience. like HELLO???
my dog was BLEEDING, shaking, in total shock. i rushed him to the emergency vet and he needed stitches, surgery, the whole thing. the bill was OVER $3,000. so obviously, i go to my neighbor like, “hey, your dog nearly killed mine. you need to pay this.” and this psycho LAUGHS and goes, “ohhh he was just playing, your dog probably freaked out for no reason.” i’m sorry, did you just say playing??? PLAYING???
i tried to be civil, but they completely ignored me for WEEKS. so i took them to small claims court. and guess what? I WON. and NOW they’re pissed, acting like I’m some evil villain for making them take responsibility for THEIR DOG. even some of my other neighbors are saying i “overreacted” and it was a “harmless accident.” WHAT???
like, am i missing something??? their dog nearly KILLED mine and i’m the bad guy for not just eating a $3,000 bill??? am i actually crazy or are these people completely out of their minds???